The Stage Is Yours.
But We’ve Got Your Back.

Torchlight’s Mission
To save America, of course. The world of politics can be a scary, cold, dark place. We are here to lift you out of the muck and straight to victory. We have decades of experience and we’re established professionals. With a unique, highly specialized blend of creative and data experience, we see campaigns differently. Our track record of success helps people win.
You have a unique American story that must be told. From the steelworker’s child who worked his way up, to a self-made millionaire -- everyone has an amazing story that sets you apart and makes you stand out in the crowd. The candidate who best connects with voters, tells their one-of-a-kind, personal story and what they believe will improve our country… wins. This happens with a team that can read data and put your plan together. It is our expertise in identifying your story and combining it with your vision which sets us apart from the competition.
We’ve won almost every major award that tells our clients stories -- Pollies, Reeds, CINES, numerous film festivals, advertising festivals -- we’ve even written and published books. Our storytelling is unlike anyone else in politics. We’ve produced major television series and films, not just highly effective political ads. So, we know what makes a good, captivating story that captures voters’ imaginations and draws them to your campaign. Our ads not only win elections, they’ve been named the top ads of nearly every major election cycle in over a decade.
You have a unique and winning story, let the best storytellers in the business present it to the world.

John Rogers
John is a tireless fighter for the cause, a believer, and an optimist. “Piece of cake” is something you’ll find him saying frequently, summarizing his general attitude toward his work and everyday life.
Having come up through politics managing shoestring campaigns on blue and purple turf, John developed an ability to do a lot with a little and find a way to win races. He has the ability to use data and polling to understand who and what it takes to win races and maximize campaign resources.
After spending over ten years in the field on campaigns, John moved to DC to work for the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). John spent eight years at the NRCC, working his way up from his position as a Regional Political Director to the team’s Deputy Political Director, where he created the NRCC Data and Polling Departments. John then served as the NRCC’s Political Director and was fortunate to be a part of a team that helped win the largest majority since WWII. Last cycle, John led the Committee as the Executive Director (ED), facing a cycle like none other where the party faced a series of strong and shifting headwinds. As ED, John managed a $200 million budget and a staff of 109 employees.
During his time at the NRCC, they transformed the way they approached campaigns, captured the largest house majority in a generation, and won more special elections than they had in nearly a century. Always pushing the science of politics, John’s frequent “new idea time” has pioneered new concepts for contacting, messaging, and turning out voters.
John has a B.A. in Marketing and Management from Siena College in NY and worked as an Equities Trader from 2008-2011.
Jason Killian Meath
Who was the political guy who started as a Top-40 80’s radio DJ at age 16, hanging out with Van Halen, the Beastie Boys, Run DMC and Tina Turner? Jason was doing all that and more before he was bitten by the “political bug.” Now, he gets his kicks writing and producing ads which helped elect scores of Senators, Congressmen, Governors and even Presidents. His long victory column includes ads for Governors races in MS, AL, MD, SD, FL, OH, Senatorial races in TX, FL, GA, IN, OH, and media for Congressional races in virtually every competitive seat in the country for the past six election cycles. In 2004, Jason was a member of the Maverick Media team -- the inner circle producing all message strategy and advertising for President George W. Bush's presidential campaigns.
Active in the last 6 Presidential elections, Jason produced all media for Carly Fiorina's Presidential SuperPAC including Citizen Carly - a groundbreaking biographical documentary narrated by Academy Award® Nominee James Woods. His FACES ad was named one of the best ads of 2016 by Time Magazine. In 2012, Jason directed all advertising for Newt Gingrich’s Super PAC including writing and directing the documentary The King of Bain. NBC's Chuck Todd called it "Game-Changing" and the New Yorker dubbed it "the Apocalypse Now of the Super PAC era." Jason became known henceforth as the "'Sacramanga' of political operatives."
In 2016, Jason wrote and directed the film which predicted Donald Trump’s Presidential victory, Switchers: An American Uprising. He also produced video for the 2016 Republican National Convention and the 2017 Presidential Inauguration. Of his hundreds of political ads, the Wall Street Journal once wrote he "cracked the democratic playbook." A former operative with The Republican National Committee, Jason helped launch the nation’s first political television network: GOP-TV, and got his start cutting ads that contributed to the 1994 election tsunami that yielded both chambers with Republican majorities for the first time since the 1950s.
When he’s not making winning campaign ads, he’s writing books like Hollywood on the Potomac, and a children’s book he co-wrote with his son The Pepperoni Palm Tree. Or, you might find him producing television series like Michelle Malkin Investigates. Jason is also a frequent guest lecturer and one of those babbling on-air pundits on various topics related to media, entertainment and politics.
“10 Most Notable Ads”
– Time Magazine
“Most Effective Ad”
– Wall Street Journal
“Most Unforgettable Ad of 2014”
– Politico
“Best Ads of 2016”
– Washington Post
“Cracked the playbook Democrats have used to win in states that ought to go Republican."
– Wall Street Journal
“Great Ad Changes Minds”
– Rush Limbaugh
“Most Effective Ad”
– Slate
“Upending the race”
– Chuck Todd, NBC
"A positive and powerful offensive move on the part of this Super PAC."
– Washington Examiner
“Listen to this ad again and tell me if this isn't what you think the Republican Party ought to be doing about every Democrat candidate.”
– Rush Limbaugh