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Jason Meath

Meet Jason
Jason is a 20-year veteran of politics and high-level media campaigns. In 2012, he served on the front lines during the Republican Presidential Primary creating ads that NBC's Chuck Todd called "Game-Changing." Jason directed all advertising behind the Sheldon Adelson-backed Super PAC Winning Our Future. Jason currently is a consultant and media strategist to numerous political, corporate and public affairs clients worldwide. His corporate clients have included global Fortune 500 companies and America's largest associations, serving a variety of sectors.

Graduating in 1992 from Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia and attending Columbia University's Film Institute, Jason was headed for a career in motion pictures before accepting a job to help launch the nation’s first political television network: GOP-TV. As Director of Marketing Communications at the Republican National Committee, Jason helped Chairman Haley Barbour during an historic time in American politics — the 1994 election tsunami that changed the balance of power in Congress. 

Over the past decade, Jason was the President of Advertising and Advocacy for the public affairs firm Xenophon Strategies and a Partner with The Stevens & Schriefer Group, one of country’s preeminent political media consulting firms. In 2004, Jason was a member of the Maverick Media team — the inner circle that produced all message strategy and advertising for President George W. Bush's presidential campaigns. 

Always striving to balance between creative and political pursuits, Jason directed and co-wrote the award winning film “The Surge: The Untold Story (Military Channel, PBS).” This groundbreaking film was the first documentary of its kind to explore the troop surge in Iraq, as told by top U.S. military commanders including General David Petraeus. Jason was also co-creator, writer and director for the award-winning documentary series “The Feds” (Discovery Channel). 

His longtime pursuits in media, public affairs and entertainment helped Jason write his first book “Hollywood on the Potomac” (Arcadia 2009). Recently, Jason co-authored a children’s book with his son called “The Pepperoni Palm Tree” (Fuze Publishing 2012). Kirkus Reviews called it a "touch of Seuss," and The Washington Post said it was "beautifully illustrated" with "an important message for kids."

Jason is a frequent guest lecturer and writer on various topics related to media, entertainment and politics. When not writing, directing or wrapped up in political battles, Jason enjoys spending time with his wife, Renee, and son, Aidan, in Washington, DC's Upper Northwest.


John Rogers

John is a the Deputy Political Director of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC).  He is also the Director of the NRCC Strategy Department, which handles data, polling, and analytics.

 A native of upstate New York, John graduated from Siena College in 1999 with a bachelor’s in Marketing and Management.  After graduating, he worked for New York Governor George Pataki in the Governor’s Appointments Office.  He later became the Deputy Director of Regional and Local Government Affairs for the State of New York and the Governor’s Regional Representative for the Capital District.

John has worked on political campaigns of all levels ranging from village elections to the 2004 Presidential Election. 

He worked as a professional fundraiser in 2005 and ran statewide grassroots operations for the New Jersey Republican Party in 2006. 

In 2009, John worked full time for the Royal Bank of Canada as an equities trader and simultaneously managed a shocking win in a New York Suburban County Executive race.  Then in 2010, while still trading stocks full time, he managed the narrow loss of a State Senate race against a popular incumbent in a heavily Democrat seat. 

Last cycle, John was one of the NRCC Regional Political Directors and handled 14 states, primarily in the Northeast.  He was instrumental in two races most thought were impossible for Republicans to win: Bob Turner's special election win in the New York City seat vacated by Anthony Weiner and Andy Barr's defeat of Blue Dog Ben Chandler in Kentucky's sixth Congressional District. 

In total, John has worked full time on eight different campaigns and has advised dozens of others over the course of the last 12 years.